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Voss Lab
National Institute of Health, Office of the Director R24OD010435, "Research resources for model amphibians", $1,516,754, July 2012- June 2016.
National Institute of Health, Office of the Director, Administrative Supplement for R24OD010435, "Research resources for model amphibians", $150,000, Sept 2015- June 2016.
National Institute of Health, Office of the Director R13OD021318, “Comparative medicine research resource directors meetings”. $224,286, April 2016 – March 2021.
National Institute of Health, Office of the Director P40 OD019794, “Ambystoma Genetic Stock Center”, July 2015 - June 2020, $1,861,640.
Department of Defense, Army Research Office, W911NF1410165, “Genetic management of a tissue regeneration model organism”, April 2014 – March 2017, $416,890.
National Science Foundation (DEB-1257648), “Collaborative Research: Tracking genes in real time as they traverse a hybrid invasion landscape.” PI's Shaffer (UCLA) and Johnson (WKU), Co-I's Voss (UK) and Fitzpatrick (UT). $631,200, 2013-2016.
Current Funding
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